Tomorrow I'm off on my African adventure, to Rwanda where the youth of the globe hope to crack the genocide problem once and for all.
Hopefully elements of the trip will be reported in full at and I also hope that I might be able to blog by email. On the other hand, I might spend my time just looking at the lions and tigers, who knows...
Glad you're doing this, Clare.
Hoping for your safety and that you get a lot from the trip - let's meet up when you're back, and tell us all about it...
Hi Clare,
I'm a reporter for the Boston Globe working on a story on citizen journalism. I read your article on Wikinews today and wanted to talk to you for a little bit about why you write for them etc. I would really appreciate your help if it's possible. I realize you're over in London, so just send an e-mail to with a phone number and some good times to call if you can. Thanks.
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