I try to keep off blogs on the whole as they are like crack cocaine for me. But today Alex referred me to a right-wing website which I had to then look up for work (they were having a go at the Quakers for holding 'parties'/candelit vigils for the 2000 American dead in Iraq).
Obviously I got sucked into the trail. Blinking hell!! It's a minefield out there! I hadn't quite realised the high state of ideological warfare over in America and the sheer volume of anger and bile unleashed across cyberspace every second. I thought it was just Jess :)
I won't go back there for a while.
Blinking hell!! It's a minefield out there! I hadn't quite realised the high state of ideological warfare over in America and the sheer volume of anger and bile unleashed across cyberspace every second.
It is disturbing the kinds of people who express themselves on the Internet.
And that website even had comment registration.
Still, look on the bright side - if it weren't for the Internet, all those vicious bigots with violent pscyhotic-politics would be out roaming the streets.
I need clarification on the part that mentions me, and what you meant by it. My paranoia is running rampant!
oh dear jess, sorry, it was just a joke :)
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